Tummo Inner Fire Breathwork Will Clear Stagnation and Reconnect You to Your Inspiration and Joy
Enter your name and email to receive FREE access to this transformational 7 day journey into the breath.

During This Journey You Will...

Regain Access your Soul's Wisdom
Enter the Flow State for enhanced focus and creativity
Clear Stress and Anxiety within minutes and experience relief, peace, and energy

This Challenge is Perfect For You If...

✅ You want a powerful experience of connection with your soul's wisdom

✅ You desire a quick and easy way to increase focus and productivity....

You want to cleanse the baggage from your mind, and return to a state of flow and energy

What You Can Expect from This Challenge...

7 Transformational Daily Breathwork Exercises
Each day, you'll receive a new 10 minute breathwork exercise designed to empower you in a unique way. These exercises are proven to help you reduce stress and anxiety, improve your focus and concentration, and boost your energy levels.
Group Support: Throughout the challenge, you'll have access to a community of like-minded individuals who are also participating in the challenge. You'll be able to share your experiences, ask questions, and receive support from others who are on the same journey as you.

Here's your Life-Changing Breathwork Roadmap for the Next 7 Days...

Day 1 Theme: Learn the Tibetan Inner Fire “Tummo” Technique 

Day 2 Theme: Empower your Word so you can communicate more powerfully with others

Day 3 Theme: Calm the Inner Critic so you can experience deeper self love and happiness

Day 4 Theme: Center and Strengthen your Heart so you can feel balanced no matter what is happening around you

Day 5 Theme: Forgiveness: Healing Anger and Cultivating Boundaries so you can stand for yourself inside of any situation

Day 6 Theme: Soul Connection (Befriending Our Fear) so you can be free from fear

Day 7 Theme: Activate Authentic Happiness
 so you can radiate positive energy into the world
Enter your email to receive free access to the 7 Day Breath Challenge.

Stories From the 7 Day Journey

“I had a lot of breath work experience with Wim how and other methods, but there’s something extremely special about tummo and David's teaching is excellent… its very clear he’s done the work himself…the day on transcending fear was especially powerful for me…I feel more empowered, more clear, and a deeper connection to my heart.”


"Doing the breath work from the 7 day breath challenge was really powerful for me, I now use this practice every morning, and I also use it with all of my clients because of how quick and effective it is for changing state and mood."

- Ayala

"Tummo is the most powerful breath work I’ve ever done, and I use this technique in my life literally all the time…Often when I do this technique I receive inspiration for what I’m really supposed to be doing in life…probably the best technique in terms how little time it takes to do and how much it gives you in return."


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More Stories from the 7 Day Experience...

And the Best Part?

Meet David Beaudry and the Noble Movement Academy
The Noble Movement Academy integrates physical training and spiritual cultivation to help heal and empower humanity through science-backed wisdom practices combining movement, breath, sound and touch.

After David Beaudry suffered a career ending football injury, he began his healing journey in search of answers. He traveled throughout Asia, studying under masters and while earning a degree in psychology, a master's in Medical Qigong and working over 16 years as an NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer.

Over the last 15 years he has trained healers, coaches, world-class athletes and everyday people how to harness the power of their body and soul for healing trauma and awakening their unique gifts. 

Today we are building a community of practitioners combining ancient wisdom with western science and training a new generation of warrior-healers here to support humanity to thrive in this time of great transformation. If you feel you might be one of them - this is the perfect first step.
Copyright 2024 Noble Movement Academy